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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

You’d be lying if you tried to tell me you have never felt borderline psychotic waiting around for some guy who was never truly that impressive to begin with. Convincing yourself that night after night he is just “too busy” or perhaps that he dropped his phone in the toilet, and now is just staring at it, wishing, wanting, waiting for it to dry out in that little bowl of rice so he can just dial your number as fast as his nubby thumbs can type and confess his love for you. It. Is. Torture.

The movie He’s Just Not That Into You will teach any and every girl how to pick up on signs, or… how to not. It picks apart the very problem that the women experience every day as far as the excuses (made by them and their closest girl friends), the desperation and frankly, the craziness. It will open your eyes to the men in your life who aren’t worth your time. Here are the main elements I picked up from the movie that made me realize every guy that was just not that into me:


1. We were programmed

From a young age we are programmed to believe that if a guy is mean to you, it means he likes you. But in reality, if a guy is acting like he doesn’t like you, he genuinely doesn’t like you.


2. Don’t be a spaz

We all know that feeling of excitement and nervousness is not just going to sit tight.  You stare at your phone, jumping with the explosion of butterflies that surge through your gut when it dings with a message – just to look down and read “Mom” on that little illuminated screen. Sidetracked with scrolling through years of his social media, then cyber stalking any and every girl who has ever been tagged with him. Or maybe real stalking when you “accidentally” run into him in his own driveway. Oh and don’t forget the constant pit in your stomach that he legitimately hasn’t tried to text, call, email, fb message or even carrier pigeon you. And this leads me to my next point…

4. Don’t be a stalker

Don’t stage a casual run in at his own job. Just remember if he wanted to see you, he would see you. Otherwise…yes, you guessed it, he’s just not that into you.


3. The other woman

Either you are her or you’ve lost your man to her. If you are the other woman, watch out! Because if he is wiling to break his wife or girlfriends’ heart for your romance, chances he’s not afraid to break yours over new romance as well.


4. Cheater, cheater

If you’re with a cheater, liar, sucker or a loser, just say goodbye. If he didn’t care enough then, he’s not going to care enough now or later, so find someone who does. Even if it means jumping back into the dating world that obviously seems very enticing.


5. Don’t ignore the obvious

Don’t let yourself get in the habit of making an excuse for a guy who doesn’t deserve an excuse. There is nowhere he is going that he will be ‘out of touch’, so don’t buy it. You are not the exception, you are the rule. The rule that the miracle in relationships will not happen to you. Just because your best friend’s, sister’s boyfriend changed, does not mean yours will. Because you set the precedent for the exceptions. There is no guy who is so busy that he can’t find time to call. Because, if a guy wants to call, he will call. If he wants see you, he will see you. And if he’s “acting like he doesn’t give a shit, he genuinely doesn’t give a shit.”

You deserve better. You deserve a man who isn’t going to cheat, blow you off, ignore you, or go behind your back. It’s time for us to stop moping over guys who were just in it for the hook up and were never actually going to call us. And frankly, it’s time for all of us to accept that maybe he’s just not that into you.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor