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Harry Potter Inspired Food

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Today I made some Pumpkin Pasties and Treacle Tarts. While the Pumpkin Pasties turned out to be just like a pumpkin pie you can hold in your hand the Treacle Tarts were, sadly, a disappointment. I definetly recomend making your own Harry Potter inspired food next time you decide to binge watch or read.

If I'm not cooking or in school I am usually binge watching Friends, Arrow, or Harry Potter. I am a Slytherin and an Alpha Phi. I believe that mermaids can exist and I would like to be the first one. I sleep with a dragon at my side named Toothless every night. If I could get paid to travel the world I would never stay in the same place longer than a month.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor