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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

A new year is here, which means resolutions and new beginnings. A popular resolution is, of course, getting healthy or exercising more, which is something that I always try to incorporate in my new year. Throughout the year though, it is easy to let resolutions slide and go back to old habits. For me it’s a constant struggle to go to the gym, I’ll usually find excuses not to go. Recently I have found some easy and fun ways to incorporate being active in your everyday lifestyle that I want to share with you, so you don’t have to feel guilty about missing the gym!

1.  Ditch Your Car

If your going someplace close to where you live, like a coffee shop in your neighborhood, try walking instead of taking your car there. TRAX is a great reason to leave your car at home. What’s even better, is it’s free for us university students and goes straight to places downtown and different cities. Try getting off a stop before yours to get in that extra walk!

2.  Mini-Morning Workouts

While you’re getting ready, you can be doing little exercises at the same time! Try doing 3 sets of 15 squats while brushing your teeth or as many sit-ups as you can while you wait for your coffee to brew. Planks, push/sit ups, squats, bicep curls, and lunges are all great exercises you can do in the morning. Utilizing your time and working in exercises throughout your day can make a big difference.

3.   Involve Your Friends

Working out can be hard when doing it alone, so find an activity you can do with your friends. Think about one activity you have been wanting to get into (like Barre or Zumba) and go do it! Recently I have started taking yoga classes twice a week with a friend and love it. Try to focus on one activity, instead of trying to incorporate of a lot of new things in your life since that can get overwhelming.

4.  Find Time in Your Day

Look at your schedule and see where you have some spare time to be active. If your mornings arewide open, you can use that time to go to the gym or go on a run. Try to designate a time of day that is your workout time. My boyfriend and I would always get into the habit of watching TV when we didn’t know what else to do. Now we use that time to go for a walk or to take a jog around the park!

5. Set a Long Term Goal 

Maybe by the end of this year you want to run a marathon or hike a certain mountain. Whatever it is, keep it in mind throughout the year to keep yourself motivated!

Get out and get moving collegiettes™! This is your year! 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor