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5 Things That Happen When You Find Your Passion In School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

College is a time that can be very confusing and hard. You are welcomed into this new world of freedom, dorms, new friends, and hard classes. It can be extremely overwhelming when you are forced to answer questions about what you want to major in when, as a freshman, sometimes you have NO clue. As you get through most of your generalized classes,you hopefully will find a subject that sparks your interest. That is when college begins to be fun. You are no longer taking pointless classes that you don’t care about and you begin to actually enjoy school.

Here are 5 things that will happen when you do find that passion:

School no longer becomes a chore.

You have actual interest in what you are learning. You want to go to your classes because learning the material is beneficial to you and you understand that. You want to excel in your classes and get as much out of them as possible. It becomes clear that you will actually be using this material in the real world after graduation so you understand the importance of applying yourself.

You become interested in your professors.

You know that your professors are highly educated in the area of study that you want to be involved in. You become interested in their experience and the path that they took to get where they stand today. It becomes clear that the best advice you can get is from your professors. They know the steps to take in order to be successful because they have already been in your shoes. They are a great resource when it comes to finding internships or job hunting.

You begin to use what you learn.

In previous years of school you don’t understand how or when you are going to use what you are learning. It becomes a drag to learn material if you already have it set in your mind that you aren’t going to use it. Once you decide on a major and get into your core classes, it becomes clear that you really are going to use the information you are learning. It helps motivate you to do your assignments and finish all of your readings because you understand it’s importance.

You start thinking “beyond your major.”

Once you have decided on a major, you begin thinking what’s next? What is this degree going to do for me?  It gives you motivation to want to look into jobs that you could have interest in. You may find an urge to gain experience in the field and want to look for an internship with a company. Internships are beneficial because you can gain experience in the field as well as explore the type of company that you would like to work for post graduation.

You become more confident in yourself.

You are confident that you found something that you are good at. It becomes clear that you are capable of learning the material in school and excel at something in a career field. The more classes that you take in your major, the more confident you are get with yourself and the knowledge that you have retained. You are able to see how each class goes hand in hand with each other and can be confident in your upper level classes that you will be successful. 

Finding a major that you love is such a great step in college. It is something that no one can choose for you. It gives you the ability to chase after the career path that you want to pursue and find things that you excel at. You no longer will dread the “what’s your major?” question from all of your family members because you have finally figured it out.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor