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Motivation Monday: Your Ability Within

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

You can’t beat yourself up over the small things or the mistakes you make. You have to observe, learn from them, and let them go; then take a step and continue onto becoming the person you are destined to be. The joy of life is the journey. Never give up on what you believe in; the only person you need to truly please is yourself. Life is better when you take chances, accept your faults, risk more, care more, love more, wish more, and dream more.

You just have to take each day at a time and live for you. You are the only person who can truly make yourself happy. No one is your rock or your whole life. When you start to believe in yourself, things will open up and your life will fall into place. What your past was or what your future holds does not reflect on the truth within. 

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"Your life is your art. You are the art. And it's more than the sum total of the jobs you book, the paintings your create, the poetry you write, the money you save, the sales you make. It's your joy and hope and love and passion expressed onto this gigantic canvas called Existence." - Anthony Meindl