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Meet your Campus Cutie: Jozef Gherman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Jozef Gherman is an extremely involved senator in USFSP’s student government. Not only does he listen to student’s proposals and concerns, but anytime a question is directed to him, a thorough and helpful answer is returned. Jozef Gherman has been an amazing help to HerCampus USFSP. He is a great senator that takes out time of his busy work and school schedule to advise and inform fellow students.

His positive, yet serious and strict attitude makes him a wonderful asset to student government. Not only does he have a tough hand to carry out rules and regulations, his kind and helpful heart makes anyone feel welcomed.


What is your full name?

Jozef Victor Nathan Gherman

What is your nationality?


What is your major?


Freshman, sophmore, junior, senior?


What are your plans after you graduate?

Hopefully go into politics and retire to become a full time neuroscientist. If I don’t make it into politics I still fully intend on being a neuroscientist.

In what ways are you involved on campus?

I am involved in our Student Government as a Senator, and I founded a club called “The Political Question.”

Do you believe that what you do on campus affects students positively?

I believe I do. In my role a Senator I try my best to represent student interests; I constantly reach out to fellow students to make sure I am achieving this goal. In my role as a club President, I try to bring politics to the table. It’s actually extremely difficult, but I’m hoping with constant perseverance more people will be at our discussions.

Are you in love with USFSP?

Very much so! I really love the people here and the campus is just beautiful. I don’t think bigger universities have it as good as we do.

Is there anything that has to change? If so, what?

I don’t really like the word change because change can be good or bad. I think things can improve; what can improve? Everything. Nothing is perfect, but yet we want to achieve perfection. We can always improve because we can’t attain perfection. Its funny how that works.

If you could have a vacation anywhere in the world, everything paid, where would it be?

Washington D.C. it’s my promise land for the future.

Pepsi or Coca-Cola?

Well, I’d say Coca-Cola, but I don’t drink sodas anymore. Water!

One of your top 10 things to do before you die?

Be in Congress.

Do you think the majority of people are good or bad?

I don’t like to judge people. I like to judge actions. Good and bad are bad ways of generalizing. People can make both good and bad decisions, but one of those decisions should not characterize the person. If you talk to most people, and if you read about ‘bad’ people, they generally talk about how they thought their actions would positively impact society or the population.

One of your most embarrassing moments?

One time I was really convinced that something read one way, and I started to read it aloud and then I realized it did not say what I thought it did at all. So did everyone else in the room, which is a good thing!

Any shout outs?

Everyone at USFSP (BULL PRIDE), and my siblings!


Kelly Mora-Romero is the President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus USF St. Petersburg. She was born in Colombia but has lived in the US since 2004. As a Global Business and Marketing major with a minor in Mass Communications, Kelly's dream job is to work in international marketing with a big communications company; traveling is a must! Her biggest inspiration for stories come from local or campus-related news, advise for the every-day life and tips on success. If you wish to contact Campus Correspondent Kelly for article ideas or any comments/concerns/issues at USFSP email at: kellyromero@hercampus.com For any other personal inquiries email: kellyjulieth@mail.usf.edu HCXO