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To Intern or Not to Intern? That is the Question.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

In a recent article by CNN, Melissa Benca, director of career services at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City discusses not only the importance of internships, but the imperativeness of them. “Internships have become key in today’s economy,” she states.

“Graduating students with paid or unpaid internships on their résumé have a much better chance at landing a full-time position upon graduation. Students are doing internships as undergraduates, and it is now not unusual for recent grads to take an unpaid internship with hopes of turning it into a permanent position or at least making some contacts and building their résumé.”

Interning offers a great opportunity for students to network, build professional relationships, get an inside look of the field they are considering a career in, and gain real world experience that future employers will take notice of.

That being said, don’t think that internship employers aren’t also getting a sweet deal. Many employers use interns as a way to fill the holes left behind by hefty layoffs in the past couple of years. Depending on the company, an intern can maintain a lot of responsibility and they may even be asked for ideas, thoughts or pitches quite often. Employers also sometimes utilize their intern groups as hiring pools so it’s in their best interest to train and integrate interns well into the company.

When considering whether or not to intern, the answer is almost always, yes. Sometimes, especially during your first couple of years in college, school, a part-time job and maybe an extra curricular is about as much as you can handle. However, as you get older and find your footing in college and in life, it is a good idea to start really thinking about your career path what steps you can take right now, to bring your goals closer to becoming a reality.

Feel like you’re ready to take on an internship but need help getting started? Check out our tips on how to find an internship you’ll love!

Is the best version of herself while sipping coffee in Alamo Square Park, rereading Mindy Kaling's books.