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Why It’s Important to Seek Your Passion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

With all of the changes, stresses and experiences that students go through during college, it’s extremely important to engage in something to help balance it all. Some people find their passions when they’re very young and never lose them throughout their life, while other people don’t find their passion until later on—that’s okay!

Having something that you’re passionate about results in so many personal benefits and college is the perfect time to find out what you’re passionate about. Here’s why:

1.   Alone Time: As we get older and our friends get busier with school or work, you may find that you’re spending a lot more time with yourself. Engaging in what you’re passionate about during your alone time can help you center yourself while learning how to be happy alone, which is an amazing ability.

2.   Appreciation: If you have a passion, you are more likely to be open, understanding and appreciative of other people’s passions. As you start to indulge in these interests, you’re more likely to find like-minded people who you can share your favorite activities with.

3.   Sense of Worth: You will feel more fulfilled in your day-to-day life knowing there is something you can always work on and that provides you with a sense of worth. Once you find that interest, it’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders and it’s a huge sense of accomplishment, so never stop looking!

4.   Endless Possibilities: There’s no limit to what you may find passion in. Whether it be painting, sports, writing, singing, or anything in between—if it makes your soul happy, find it, keep it close to you and seek it out with all that you can. 

All photos by Olivia Rakowski.

Hiya! My name is Olivia Rakowski (also known as Roving Olivia if you follow me on social media) and I go to USF as an Advertising Major with a certificate of Visuaization and Design. I recently started my own blog (rovingolivia.wordpress.com) and decided to get involved in blogging in other ways like Her Campus. Hope you guys enjoy my posts (-: