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Great Things That Begin to Happen When You Learn to Love Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

As a collegiate woman, learning to love yourself can be a difficult process. Since I recently learned a lot about loving yourself, I can say I am definitely a self-love advocate. Although learning to love yourself is a journey, every little step counts, and it is so worth it. Here are 9 awesome things that happen when you learn to love yourself:

1. You appreciate that there’s only one of you

Sure you’ve heard it before, “there’s only one of you,” but when you learn how true that really is, you become so much happier with each and every little detail of your life.

2. You take charge of who you really are, and who you want to be

It may take time, but you realize everything you want for yourself. And you act exactly the way you wish to be seen… better yet, people respect you for it.

3. You know that you can change yourself for the better

You realize which parts about yourself you actually want to change, and then one day, you stop hoping for it and you make it happen.

4. You stop caring what people think

Suddenly you walk around only worrying about yourself, and how happy you are to be you. You are conscious of your flaws and are at peace with them, so you could care less if people notice them too.5. You enjoy alone time

You stop needing to always be surrounded by your friends, and you really enjoy time to yourself- it may be spent just thinking, relaxing, or clearing your head, but it’s helpful, and most of the time, enjoyable.

6. You learn to easily shake off disses

When you hear or feel that something is offensive, you know just how to shake it off and move forward. It’s really a great feeling to know that you are better than people who degrade others, so you’re less-likely to be embarrassed or take it to heart.

7. Guys will notice you more

When you decide to quit being insecure, you gain confidence. You learn that guys will love you 1000x more if you love yourself first. And you also don’t make it a priority to get a boyfriend anymore, because you are happy just being yourself.8. You learn to love others more

Once you love yourself it is so much easier to devote love to others as well. Everyone that is important to you becomes much more clear, and you make sure they know how important they are to you.

9. You become way more confident

Many self esteem issues stop haunting you, and you learn to just be yourself. You have this new-found confidence that keeps you smiling and comfortable in your skin. It’s an amazing feeling. 

Get out there and find some self-love, girl!

I'm a sophomore business major at URI. I'm from River Edge, New Jersey. I find joy in surrounding myself with my favorite people and making the best out of every situation. But i also find joy in eating food and laying in my bed.