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10 Signs You’re a Public Relations Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

1. You’re aware of breaking news before any of your friends.

“OMG did you hear about…?” “Yes, I’ve known about that for two days.”  

2. You can take harsh criticism. 

You don’t mind your professors ripping apart your press release because you know it’ll pay off when you have deadlines in the real world. 

3. You enjoy talking to people. 

PR is all about making personal relationships with people, and knowing how to talk to them.  Introverts beware. 

4. You don’t mind group projects.

By junior year, you’re pretty much all set with the same group project clique you’ve had since day one.  And you love them.

5. Your safari always has at least 6-7 tabs open at a time.

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, NYTimes, CNN, Buzzfeed, The Odyssey, Pinterest…the list of tabs is never-ending. 

6. You live for people sharing your articles or blog-posts.

When someone shares your article on Facebook, you almost feel as if you’ve won a major award. You’re ecastatic that others love your work, and it keeps you motivated to write more. 

7. You notice when something is a “PR move.”

You read that a company is doing something for the community or giving back to their employees. Average people think, “Wow, thats nice,” and the entire time you’re like, “Hmm, I see what you did there. Nice PR move.” There’s no fooling us!

8. You take those surveys your classmates post on Facebook.

You appreciate it when people take yours, and know how helpful they are so you always feel the need to help others with them. 

9. The number of social media outlets you have is overwhelming.

You have your personal Facebook and Twitter along with your, “professional” ones. Let’s not forget about your LinkedIn, online portfolio and Instagram. You’re literally all over the web. But hey, you gotta stay connected. 

10. Your computer is your best friend.

When your non-PR professors don’t let your use your laptops in class you feel empty, lost and confused. Why are they doing this to us? Your computer is your lifeline to social media, the news, press releases, articles, emails. As a PR major, that thing goes everywhere you go.