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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

The upcoming Avengers: Infinity War movie is all about Thanos and the Infinity Stones, but what are they?  Even though, the movies are related to the comics, many things change as the stones. Take a few minutes to refresh your mind on the stones according to the Cinematic Universe.

The Infinity Stones are six Singularities that have existed before the beginning of the universe. After the “Big Bang”, where the universe exploded in order to create its existence, these were formed into the Infinity Stones that represent aspects of the universe itself. It is said, that these stones were used by Celestials, just like Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, to judge the worlds and its people. **FUN FACT: In the comics, they were referred to as Soul Gems but later Thanos decided “Infinity Gems” was a better name.** Lets go ahead and check out the stones.



Consist of a blue stone inside a cube, that is called the Tesseract, and is fully capable of controlling space. It provides its user access to any location in the universe. It is currently in Loki’s power. The space stone made its debut in Captain America: The First Avenger at the hands of HYDRA and the Red Skull.



Consists of a dark red liquid that is located in the Aether Chamber. The viscous liquid is capable of being absorbed into the body of a living host. It is currently in the Collectors’ possession. It made its debut in Thor: The Dark World through Malekith and Jane Foster.



Consists of a purple stone that is located in the Orb. Its power increases its user’s physical abilities. The Nova Corps, has possession of this stone. It was debuted in Guardians of the Galaxy at the hands of Ronan, the Accuser



It’s about a yellow stone which was inside what called the Scepter, that was a weapon housed inside a blue bulb-shaped orb and gives the appearance of blue to the stone. At first, it was seen as a power source by Stark but later J.A.R.V.I.S. after studying it, stated its power. Thanos provided Loki with this stone when he asked him for his help in order to invade Earth. It was also used by HYDRA in a series of experiments. Finally, after it was used by Ultron himself to make a new body, which was Vision’s body, Thor gave it to Vision as a statement of his worthiness. Vision is the current owner of the stone. It made its debut in The Avengers.



The Time Stone is a color green stone that is located in the Eye of Agamotto, which is an ancient artifact, with the purpose to contain its power. Its current owner is Doctor Stephen Strange and made its debut in Doctor Strange. During the movie, it was used to help Strange into learning sorcery, but later was used to help him in his battles.



This soul stone has an orange color. According to fan theories, the stone is located inside planet Vormir. The reality is no one knows where it is although there has been speculation it’s either inside Tony Stark’s arc reactor, it’s in Wakanda, or Steve has it. There is little known about this stone.

*The Time Gem is located in a Necklace: the Eye of Agamotto’s Necklace.


Now go ahead and rush to the cinema, all the knowledge needed is in your power and we guarantee you’ll understand better the entire movie. After watching the movie, mention us in our social medias and tell us your experience while watching the movie. Perhaps you could be featured in our next article. Enjoy the movie of the century!


21 year-old passionate with the idea of becoming a Chemical Engineer and a Writer. In love with the beach, El Colegio and writing her way through history.   The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.  -Helen Keller
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.