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CAAMpus Cutie: Santos R. Oritz Comas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Meet this week’s cutie – Santos R. Ortiz Comas- who you’ve probably seen marching around campus. Santos Ortiz Comas is an aspiring biologist who has been able to balance studying, cycling, music and his fraternity duties. Scroll down if you want to know more about this multi-talented cutie. 

Name: Santos R. Oritz Comas

Hometown: Cabo Rojo

Major: Biology

Age: 21

Relationship Status: Taken


What has been the most important experience you’ve gained at UPRM?

At UPRM I learned that you have to open your mind and your point of view; you have to be able to see the two sides of the coin. Another experience I’ve gained is being independent and living life how I want to. College is an experience for life, not only educational.

Are there other hobbies you do, besides cycling and music?

I like playing soccer and reading, but my passion is music and cycling. I got into cycling because my uncle and my father cycle as well. I also like triathlon competitions; in 2013, I won the Puerto Rico Triathlon Series in the category 20-24 Men Sprint.

What is your main goal?

My educational goal is to finish my BS first. Then become an orthopedic surgeon, specialized in trauma; I want to open a rehabilitation center. I would also like to study music performance. As for my personal goal, I want to start a family someday.

What would you say is the most important aspect of a person’s life?

Family and friends, without a doubt. We need their support in everything, whether they’re blood linked or by bond. Another one is education, “Un pueblo sin educación es un pueblo que JAMAS será libre.”

Who is your role model?

Ramón Emeterio Betances. Firstly, because he was a surgeon. Secondly, he had this caborojeño vision; his ideals were against the tide, and he dared to express them. It’s a man worthy of admiration. I hope to be like him and defend my views of life. 

All photos were taken from Santos R. Ortiz’s Facebook page.

Her Campus at UPRM