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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

“Cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul.”

–       Sylvia Plath

Spring is here, and it’s the time to grow and bloom, just like the flowers are going to do. In order to grow, it’s important to have a clean space and get organized. A clean space is a clean mind; it makes for great soil to start the blooming. Based on my own experience, I created this list with three categories to help you spring clean this season.


The Actual Cleaning

The first step is to begin the actual cleaning. Get out your yellow gloves and get in touch with your Monica Geller because you are going to start deep cleaning your space. Having a clean space can make you feel more at peace and can help you be more productive. Spring is the time to start fresh, so we have to get rid of all the dirt and make a perfect ground for that to happen. Let us get right to it: deep clean your room, move the bed, move the dresser, and get ready to do some real cleaning.


Clean Out Your Closet

Go through your closet, take out all the clothes, and choose the ones you actually wear. We can get attached to pieces of clothing, but if you have not worn it in six months, chances are you are not going to wear it anytime soon. Donate all the clothes and shoes you are not going to use. When you have selected the clothes you are going to keep, organize them in your closet. Keeping your clothes organized will make your life easier; you will find everything faster.


Wash Your Sheets

Take the sheets off of your bed and wash them. There is nothing better than sleeping on fresh sheets.


 Sweep and Mop

The basics of cleaning are sweeping and mopping. Move your furniture around and sweep like there is no tomorrow. Grab your mop and some spring smelling Fabuloso and make that floor squeaky clean.


Clean Your Mirrors

Dirty mirrors are the worst (especially for taking pictures). Cleaning mirrors is important so that we can see ourselves better, looking fierce, and so we can take better pictures. To get a streak free mirror, wad up some newspaper, get it a little wet, and polish that glass!


Clean Out Your Drawers and Dressers

Drawers can be a bottomless pit where you can keep storing and storing stuff you may not even need. Check every drawer you have, throw out the stuff you do not need and the stuff you keep, organized it in the drawers. You can even get fancy and buy drawer organizers!


Clean Desk

The working area is crucial; if we see a space clean and organized, we feel better about getting to work. Clean out the drawers, clean the desk, organize your pens, highlighters, notebooks… Get your space ready to get some work and be productive for this trimester.


Clean the Windows

Clean those windows so that the sunlight can get in! Take a wet rag and go through the windows so that the air can flow better.


Dust the walls

A lot of dust can get on the walls, and we tend to just leave it there. Take a duster and pass it through every wall in your room. Clean walls are a beautiful canvas to hang up pictures.



 Ah yes, decorating, the best part of any special event. Decorating for spring is fun because we actually have a reason to go to Marshall’s and splurge. So, get out that credit card and get ready to buy plants and candles!


Change up your living space

Spice things up in your space and move it up! Change the position of your bed, dresser, desk, everything. Having your room, the same way for a long period of time can be overwhelming and can get boring. Change it up!


Change the bedding

Change your comforters to give a new vibe to your room. They can be expensive, so you can just add a new cover for your pillow, a new sheet, a new actual pillow. The point is to add spice to your bed!


Put up fairy lights

Fairy lights make everything so perfect. Put up fairy lights in your room because there is nothing better than coming home after a long day, laying in bed with your fairy lights on just chilling.


Buy plants (real or fake)

Plants give life to room; they make everything better. Fill your space with plants. If you cannot keep even a cactus alive (I can relate), fake plants are your best friends; they will never die. The only downside is that you’ll have to clean them as they can accumulate dust. If you have the great ability to take care of plants, buy houseplants!


Buy fresh flowers

Buy fresh flowers from the market. Roses, tulips, sunflowers, whichever you prefer. Buying yourself flowers can freshen up your space and can make you feel better and happier.



Candles make everything better! Go to Marshall’s or Bath and Body Works and buy a spring scented candle. Lighting a candle is peaceful and aroma influences our mood, so get into the season and smell the flowers!



Organizing your life for the new season is an important step in the cleaning. Having your plans and goals for the months to come makes everything more visual and not overwhelming. Get in touch with your Monica now because we are going to get SO organized!


Plan for April

Take out your planner (if you do not have one, you should totally get one because it is a great tool, and they are so pretty) and make the layout for your month: mark important dates, deadlines, tests, assignments, anything important to do. Set out everything you have to get done by the month and put it on your calendar so that things are more visual, and you do not forget.


Set goals for the month

Setting goals for the month are much easier than having goals for the whole year which can get tiring at times. Write out if you want to work out, go to a new place, start a new hobby, anything you want to get done. Once the month is over, you can look back on your list and mark off what you did and feel so good about it.


Make a bucket list for spring

Get in touch with the season and make a list of everything spring related you want to do. Planting a garden, taking a road trip, going to a flower field, baking, cute outfits, or simply anything!


Prep for the trimester

Get into the classes you are taking, organize for them, read and prep for each class, make to do list of assignments for each class with the important deadlines so that you can be aware. I believe that you can take this trimester down!


Make a list of books, movies, show you want to read and watch

Books and movies get us away from the reality of life, and they are a good source to learn, get inspired and get creative. List the spring books to read, the series you want to binge watch, and the movies you need to catch up on.


Make a playlist

Playlists are so important, they reflect our mood. Make a playlist, for yourself, for someone else, and get to the dancing! Plus, it is a great way to find new music, which is always good.


Make a Pinterest board

About spring, make a board on Pinterest with outfits, flowers, quotes, journal entries, doodles, anything. The board can get you up when you are feeling down and inspire you for having a great spring.


Pick a quote for the season

Quotes are so powerful, they can change so much, our mood, our state of mind and our inspiration. Finding a quote and making it your mantra for the season is a good way to have something to catch you in case you are falling or feeling down. Whenever you need to get motivated or inspired, you can read your mantra and get ready to take on the world!


So, there you have it; a guide for you this spring! Spring is the time to try new things, getting out of your comfort zone, so that you can grow into the person you want to be. Cleaning and organizing is the first step to having a great season full of flowers.


Happy spring! Grow, grow, grow!