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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

One can only wonder what has happened in the United States recently – during and after the 2016 elections. Donald Trump, you now have the responsibility to govern a whole nation that finds itself divided by political points of views, hate, doubt, and confusion. Your persona has dominated the media and paralyzed, not only the United States, but the world. Part of that hate and discrimination that has developed during the last months has been promoted by your campaign and imagery. And, your discourse throughout the campaign has attacked the minorities that form part of the American community. It’s true that the Constitution of the United States of America protects the Liberty of Expression, but your “speaking your mind out” without thinking about the consequences, has lead to the disrespect of part of the American community’s existence.

You promise that you’re going to make America great again. But, do you refer to all of the American citizens, or just the ones that have followed your message? A president can’t govern for a vast majority that ignores the needs of the minorities. In your discourse, you exclude all the individuals from the community that don’t match your stereotypes puzzle. As Rousseau stated on his work, the solution to protect everyone’s life, liberty, and property is for all the parts of the community to agree on a social contract. A contract that they would give all their rights for the progress of the whole community.

The discourse you’re implanting for the presidency states the unification and progress of the nation. But actions speak louder than words! Your campaign shook the modern concept of the United States, letting loose dangerous mindsets that were fought in the past for the better of the country and the people. All the hatred, discrimination, racism, sexism, machism, homophobia, and xenophobia that was hiding inside the minds of a vast majority of voters have escaped and can’t be controlled now.

Your first days as the 45th President has produced havoc, but has unified the world to fight against your agenda. To fight the impractical and impossible Wall finance project that would leave many families protected by DACA in ruins, and destroy US economy. You’re ignoring the fact that the United States was and will always be a nation of immigrants. The multicultural heritage the United States has received throughout history is one of the strongest factors that have maintain the nation as one of the most admirable countries, until now. Expulsing the minorities and attacking their integrity, you’re also throwing out to the trash United States’ essence.

Talking about economy, people are uniting to fight against your Trade and Foreign Policy proposition. Capitalism has converted the time and liberty of the community to focus their worries primarily on the economy. When the economy suffers, someone has to find the culprit. The portrayal of your Trade discourse is to close America’s economic borders? Separating from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an agreement that aims to deepen economic ties between grand nations, will lead America to bankruptcy. And it doesn’t stop there. You’re threatening your allies to withdraw troops if they fail to pay more for American protection. Security is a natural right for all human beings!   

You and your selected cabinet is waisting time and money (and attacking part of the community) to reassure a “greater America”. It is clear that there is no organization and thought put in to the campaign you built, or your associates worked on. These four years are not going to be easy.

The press has an important role to partake in all of this. It’s your responsibility to objectively present to the nation and to the world the injustices that are building up hate, ignorance, and blindness in America. Give freedom of speech to the minorities that had been shut down by this campaign, and don’t stop producing content for any reason or because the President states that your work is “fake news”.

For the community that is against what is being promulgated by President Donald Trump: it’s time to leave all differences behind and unify as one! Now is the time to let your voices be heard, loud and clear! Difficult times await for the land of the free. Give voice to a whole community that won’t partake in the subdivision of a nation. 

A 20 years old millennial in Puerto Rico, studying art history & journalism at the University of Puerto Rico.