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Campus Update: Activities on Campus You Should be on the Lookout for

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

The trimester is coming to an end—finally—but that doesn’t mean the campus life is ending with it. There’s a graduation right around the corner (at el Choli for all you lovely grads), movie screenings, open mics and more. So get your social clothes on and go to one of these events!


Movie Screenings

On Tuesday, May 22 the UPR’s theater group will be screening La corrispondenza, directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. It stars Jeremy Irons—yes, that cute guy from The Host—and Olga Kurylenko. Two days later, on May 24, they will also be presenting La La Land. Both will be at 7:30 pm in front of La Torre, and they’re both free of cost. Members of Her Campus UPR will be present at the La La Land screening, so don’t be shy and say hi!


Open Mic

There will be two open mics this week. The EMA will be hosting its first hang-out on Wednesday, May 23 at the Richardson Seminar room from 4–6pm; it will be open to all topics, so get those creative juices flowing! Another one will be held on Thursday, May 24 due to a collaboration between NAMI and Fractal. This one is aimed towards destigmatizing mental illness and raising awareness.



Rally Equipos Asistivos

During the month of may, the rehabilitation counseling center will be collecting assistive equipment at la Escuela Graduada de Consejería de Rehabilitacion at the fourth floor of the central tower in Plaza Universitaria. They will also be having an activity on May 23 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm over at el salon de multiusos del Centro Universitario. For more information or any interest to help out, contact them at 787-764-0000, ext. 87413.


Día de Música

The Department of Music will be hosting an all-day event. For more information, refer to the image below.


Teatro en la IUPI

The drama department will be presenting a play at the Julia de Burgos theater from the 29th of May until June 7. The Facebook page of the event describes the play as “an intent of capturing the everyday life in New Hampshire in the early 20th century where Thornton Wilder presents the play Nuestro Pueblo as a register of the daily happenings in small towns like this one.” Head on over for a chance of meeting The Stage Manager.


Image Credits: 1, 2

Other images were acquired from the institutional e-mail.

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Josie is a senior in the UPR-Río Piedras campus, majoring in English Literature. When she's not on campus, you can find her browsing a bookstore (as if her TBR pile isn't big enough already!). Books and writing are what drives this girl--apart from fighting to destigmatize mental illnesses and raising awareness about the importance of consent. Josie enjoys traveling, bingeing on spicy food and a lot of sweets, blasting Bieber, and adding shows or movies to her Netflix queue that she'll never get to. Josie is a junior editor for the Rio Piedras chapter in Puerto Rico. If you want to see what else Josie is up to, you can catch her on her bookstagram.