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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Last night, I went out with my sister for a little girls’ night out and we went to go see the movie, “How to be Single.” It’s the perfect film for doing just that, taking your girlfriends out for a good time.

The cast is spot on and Dakota Johnson’s wardrobe in the film is inspirational (seriously, when doesn’t she look good??). Rebel Wilson is fantastic as well. I love that she is always a character that lets her comedic talent shine through and that’s a blast to behold in all of her movies. She definitely carried the comedy throughout the film. Jake Lacy is also cast in the film as Leslie Mann’s love interest. He is a rising star and definitely not hard on the eyes. It never hurts to have some eye candy in a movie, right?  

All in all, this movie definitely isn’t going to win any awards; but if you’re looking for a great flick to sit back and have some laughs, it’s worth a trip to the theaters.