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They Skim It, So You Don’t Have To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

There is a new media outlet sweeping the nation. Sent straight to your phone, the Skimm is looking to be the best part of your morning.

Ever been in that situation where all your friends are talking about a current event and your only contribution warrants the response…

Finding the time to read a newspaper cover to cover or watching an hour long news segment never been a priority for you? Do you find yourself looking in the dictionary for every other word in a news article? The Skimm is here to help.

The Skimm is an online news outlet that picks out the highlights of current world events and sends them to your e-mail every morning. Without having to pay a dime, or dedicate more than five minutes of your time. You get a variety of events, from Ebola, to the latest sports star causing controversy. The writers of the Skimm give you enough of the story to understand what is happening, without going into too much detail. Another plus, if you want more information they have helpful links that send you to articles relating to the specific topics mentioned in the newsletter.

Still fretting you won’t understand? The Skimm dumbs down the news, and presents it in an entertaining yet informative way. A joke here and there and no wording you wouldn’t hear in your everyday routine. No re-reading to understand, just the facts, plain and simple, with a little flare.

If you’re still not sure how you feel about this did I mention the give aways? The Skimm is constantly scouring for the best trips, shopping sprees, and other free give aways.

All the big news stories, presented in a way you can understand, and read in five minutes on the way to your car? Links to articles reliable and interesting for those days you need an excuse to stay in bed a little longer? Free vacations? Sign me up.\

News for the new generations. This website is the first step for those of us not completely sure what goes on in the world, and entertaining highlights for those of you who do.

No matter what degree of news and education you’re looking for you can find it here. Sign up to receive the Skimm in your inbox at; http://www.theskimm.com/

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!