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Baby, You Were Born This Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Natural beauty is something every girl should be able to recognize within herself. It is a feeling that our generation lacks confidence in. We all focus more on how to disguise our flaws with expensive make-up, savvy contouring tricks, and permanent cosmetic surgeries rather than actually embracing the natural beauty we all embody. I’m not trying to say that we should wake up with our typical bed head, big grey bags under our eyes, morning breath, and hop out the door to start our day. I am saying we all need to recognize the physical and emotional beauty that each individual develops throughout their life.   

One definition of Beauty I found on Urban Dictionary states that beauty is, “The one thing that draws you towards her. The thing she cannot see herself, without your help.”  But why is that? Why are girls in today’s day and age not seeing the natural beauty that they possess?  Could it be from A-list celebrities that are constantly recreating their physical appearance that we all grow up envying? Or the overwhelmingly vast numbers of medical procedures that can be done to fix every little flaw you see in yourself? Whatever the cause of this lack of recognition may be, the world seems to be adapting to it and creating new ways to embody this perfect “2014 appearance.”

As plastic surgery increases the admiration towards natural beauty becomes more unrecognizable, The “American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” published some shocking results.  Over the past 17 years the Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery) has increased by a staggering 371% in the United States. People have gone off the deep end with trying to perfect themselves. There is a hefty difference between wanting to look presentable and feel confident compared to wanting to change your entire appearance because it’s what you think is expected amongst society. The truth is society is constantly changing, one month everyone strives to be stick-thin like the Olsen twins and by next month the world wants a back end like Kim Kardashian. We are all culprits of following in the current trends and fads but remember to always stay true to you. Beauty isn’t created in someone else’s eyes it’s created within your own.

Natural beauty isn’t just about being confident in your physical appearance but more so in your emotional state. You know that feeling you get inside when everything is just going right, whether it is in your love life, career, or just genuine satisfaction in whatever you are doing. It is that feeling of fulfillment; that spark you feel within yourself that in turn carries through to your physical appearance, making you smile bigger, making your eyes sparkle brighter, and making you feel that natural beauty that you have always possessed. It’s that feeling when you just know that this is where you belong and this is what you should be doing. That feeling is probably the closest thing to perfection that we can obtain in our lives. It makes you feel beautiful from the inside out and not the type of materialistic beauty, I am talking raw natural beauty that makes you feel good about who you are and where you are with your life. I challenge everyone to push aside the negativities and insecurities in life and remind yourselves how beautiful you really are, go out and find that spark in life and never let it go.

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!