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15 Reasons You Should Be Single in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

This post goes out to all the single ladies, worried about finding a boyfriend in college. Stop your worrying!!! We’ve all had those times where we wished we had a significant other to cuddle with or tell us we’re beautiful. But, those small moments of day dreaming are trivial in the larger scheme of a great college experience. I can personally testify that being single in college is so worth it! Over these past two years I’ve had nothing holding me back from meeting new people, excelling in the classroom and enjoying the social life of UNH. While simultaneously, I’ve witnessed girls crying at parties, losing friends and letting their grades drop all because of a  stupid boy. All I have to say is, ditch the drama of relationships and learn to embrace your lonliness. If you still are unsure, here are a list of reasons why college is better when you’re single…

  1. You have four years to focus solely on yourself 

  2. You can constantly meet new people without fear that your significant other will get jealous

  3. Every night is a girls’ night out

  4. You can have random hookups

  5. Your happiness is not dependent on anyone else

  6. You get to master your flirting techniques, whether it be in class or at the bar

  7. You can have guy friends

  8. All the money your friends are spending on relationships you can spend on yourself

  9. You don’t have to explain or apologize for any questionable Saturday night behavior

  10. Less drama

  11. You have more time to study and get good grades

  12. The only person you have to depend on is yourself

  13. No one can stop you from hanging out of going to whatever party you want

  14. Freedom!!!!

  15. No regrets of missed opportunities because of a boy        

So, to all my singles ladies, put your hands up becasue these are about to be the best four years of your life!

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!