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15 Lies We Tell Ourselves Every Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

You may not want to admit it, but we’ve all lied before. As each semester approaches, we try to change ourselves in order to improve ourselves. While we like to believe that what we are saying will actually happen, this isn’t typically the case. Here are some lies that we are all guilty of telling ourselves each semester. 

1. I will go to the gym everyday 


If you think you have never said this one before you are only lying to yourself once again. Going to the gym everyday is a big commitment and while toning up and losing weight sounds nice, netflix in bed and stuffing our faces with food just sounds so much better. 

2.  I am going to eat healthy 

Eating healthy can be fun for the first few days, but after a while it becomes harder to convince ourselves that the salad we are eating is just as satisfying as pizza would be.  

3.  I will dress more presentable for class

Putting on a nice outfit definitely makes us feel good about ourselves but lets be honest, who even likes jeans?One-word ladies: Leggings. 

4. This semester I am going to get all A’s 


At the start of each semester this seems like such a simple task. It is when the tests and the long essays start getting assigned get it all goes downhill. 

5. The procrastination will stop 

If you are a daily procrastinatior like myself, you probably tell yourself this lie about 500 times a day. If you have ever tried to stop procrastinating i think you can agree that the cycle pretty much goes like this 

“Ill start this in 10 minutes”

10 minutes go by…

“5 more minutes”


6. Im going to start going to bed early 

Sleep is something that everyone values but so is scrolling through instagram and twitter to stalk people at 1am. #Priorities 

7. No more skipping class 

Its all fun and games until you remember you have an 8am

8.  One more episode 

I think it is fair to say that we can all blame Netflix for this one. 

9. Im never going to text him again 

Every girl has that one boy that she say she will never text again. Unfortunately saying that you will never text him again is like saying you will never eat a piece of chocolate again, it just isnt going to happn. 

10. Im over him 

If you still stalk him on all social media and still consider texting him you are not over him. Most of the time we tell ourselves this lie to try to convince ourselves that it is actually true. 

11. Im going to save money 

The only thing we are good at saving money for is online shopping and eating out. Can anyone actually resist free shipping or dhop at 1am?  

12. Ill clean the apartment later 

Living with multiple people definitely leaves us with a messy apartment but wont the dishes do themselves? 

13. Tomorrow ill start applying for jobs 

Instead of applying for jobs most of us are figuring out ways that we can stay at UNH forever. Who would ever want to leave this place? 

14. Im going to make more friends 

In the wise words of Drake “ No New Friends”  

15. I’ve never done anything on this list 

Yeah. Sure. 



This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!