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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Being a vegetarian isn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done, but it is the most rewarding. I feel good, my body looks more toned, and my skin has cleared up since I stopped eating meat in October, but I’ll leave my preaching for another post. For now, here’s a list of some of the biggest struggles that vegetarians encounter in a world of meat-eaters. 


Our Mantras

“Thanks, but I don’t eat meat.”

“Can we get half of the pizza with only cheese?” 

“Uh, I guess I can just get french fries…”


Our Actual Diets Vs. the “Plants and Twigs” People Think We Survive On

Cheesy Buffalo Cauliflower Tots

Sesame Ginger Veggie Stirfry

Garlic Cheese Fries 

And, literally, like, ALL of the desserts imaginable. 


The Things People Say to Us

“Aren’t you hungry?” 

(Nope, I still eat other things.)


“I know you miss chicken, though. Right? You totally have to miss eating chicken.”

(If I missed eating chicken, I would eat it. But I don’t.)


“I mean, if we go out, can you even eat at this restaurant? What can you get?” 

(Have you ever heard of a little dish called pasta?)


Like I said: Overall, it isn’t easy. It gets a little awkward sometimes when you’re ordering a pizza with friends and they’re dying for a Meat Lovers and then look at you like you’ve ruined their entire life when you ask for “maybe just a side of cheesebread?” But the best kind of friends order your cheesy bread before you even ask–with no complaints. 

All gifs provided graciously by giphy.com.
Olivia is a senior at UNCW, majoring in Creative Writing. She enjoys color coding all things possible and hanging string lights year-round.