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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Finals are officially over, which means Winter Break is finally here! Time to relax, recharge and take advantage of this well-earned month off. Here’s a list of 5 things to do over Winter Beak!

1) Sleep

Its time to recharge and catch up on all the zzz’s you’ve lost and luckily you have a full month to do it!

2) Binge Watch

Grab the popcorn and cue the Netflix, get ready to catch up on all your favorite shows!

3) Eat Up

Home cooked meals are back, which means no more campus dining or take out, so eat up and enjoy!

4) Get Organized 

A full month off means getting ready for next year, getting organized and making life a little easier for next semester.

5) Enjoy Being Home

Time goes pretty fast so enjoy it while it lasts, be sure to savor all the memories made with friends and family during this Holiday Season and over Winter Break!

Whatever you do for your Break, I hope you enjoy it! 

[Photos courtesy of Pinterest.com, ReactionGIF.org and giphy.com]