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What Feminism Means to Me: Annalee Glatus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

Have your ever heard the phrase “if you’re a women you can’t…”? Even if the phrase hasn’t been directly said to you, you have felt its implications. Women nowadays are being told what they can and can’t do. There are new laws being passed preventing certain women’s rights. And because of that women have been marching all over the world in protest. Feminism to me is empowering each other. That means that no matter what a woman does to empower herself it’s the right choice because it’s what’s best for her. Whether that’s participating in the local march or quietly sitting on the couch being the best women they can be. Empowering yourself is an individual journey. Some women feel empowered by posting a post on Facebook or bringing up feminism in class.

As someone who is normally quiet and very introverted my empowerment doesn’t come about through marching or posting on Facebook. My empowerment comes from my belief  in the power of women and my confidence in a women’s strength. I have seen a lot of feminist society looking down on people because they don’t act enough like a feminist or because they don’t get involved enough in the community. Feminism is not about how active you are or how feminist you appear to be, but is based on the fact that you believe women’s rights are important.

There are already people out there who are saying “if you’re a women you can’t..” we, as women, shouldn’t be saying “If you’re a feminist you can’t…” Within these perameters of course there are exceptions to this as there are to pretty much everything. For, example, a feminist shouldn’t hate men and can’t think women are better than men. A feminist must think that the rights of women are just as important as the rights of men and all humankind. So to me, feminism is a movement that shows that women can be empowered in all ways, and not just outwardly.

a writer and editor for the UNCG chapter of Her Campus.