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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.


Summer break is slowly, but surely creeping up on us. Summer is a time for us to relax and not think about school for almost 3 months, and us college students enjoy every minute of it. Because I don’t have many things to do during break I take up a hobby I like to call “extreme binge watching”, and I think you guys should try it.

Over break Netflix will become my best friend, because it has countless shows and even more movies for me to choose from. I choose to watch movies in between viewing entire series of TV shows, just to keep things interesting. Some shows I am currently watching to prep for the long break are Shameless, The Office, and CSI: Miami. All of these shows are different from one another but they all are so good, and I recommend them to anyone and everyone who is willing to listen to me. If you guys don’t know much about the shows I’ve listed, let me go ahead and tell you about them.

Shameless is about a dysfunctional family in Chicago, or as they like to call it “the South Side”. It follows Frank who is a single father, if we can call him a father, and his 6 interesting children. The family is fairly poor and they make ends meet by any means necessary. In the course of their money making, many crazy things take place. They all live very intriguing lives and that makes the show worth watching. You can fall in and out of love and back in love with any character on the show over and over. So if you’re looking for an exciting rollercoaster of a show, Shameless is for you.  

CSI: Miami is what I like to watch when I’m feeling mysterious. I have always liked this show but now watching it from the very beginning has made me love it. The series follows the Miami Police Department and the many crimes they solve on a day to day basis. Even though it’s a crime show the characters are very dynamic and you start to get attached to them because of their loving personalities. That’s one big reason I continue to watch the show, not to mention that the crimes and the way they are solved is cool as heck.

And lastly, The Office. The Office may be one of my favorite shows ever. It’s just about the life of average office workers, but it’s hilarious it makes me kind of want to work in an office. The star of the show, Steve Carell, makes it come alive. I love how everyone in the series is different but they all come together to form a family. The characters are loveable and the relationships formed in this show will bring tears to your eyes.

These shows are just a few of the shows I love to watch. So being that the summer time is nearing I encourage you guys to take a look at them! You don’t want to end up halfway through break with nothing left to watch!

I am currently a student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I am double-majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources and Women's and Gender Studies. I love my university and the diversity on campus is important to me.