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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the little things in life. I’m not talking about small objects or anything like that, but the small moments we encounter day to day. We tend to think of life in weeks, months, or even years when accomplishing big tasks. But in essence, life is made up of small moments and it’s important to cherish every second of it. When you have piles of schoolwork weighing on you and late night study sessions to attend, I understand it can be hard to appreciate those little things in life. But at the end of the day, whether you win or lose, are busy or just relaxing, think, what truly makes you happy?

One of the little things that make me happy is nature. Even though nature is all around us everyday as we walk to class, we tend to not pay any attention it and walk right by its beauty. I have always loved nature since I was little. I love going on nature walks and hiking up tall mountains just to get a good view of the mountains and the world around me.

I like to think of myself as a funny person. So being able to make someone else smile is another simple thing that can make my day in an instant. I remember being the biggest class clown when I was younger. Although I’m not as outgoing as I once was back then, I still love every opportunity I get to make someone’s day just a little bit better.

Give someone a compliment today. Anyone. The person you sit next to in class that you never talk to, the cashier lady, a friend you wish you’d see more often, or even someone you’ve never seen before in your life. I think giving compliments is a great way to give someone a little boost of positivity to brighten someone’s day and make it 10 times better. Little things can go a long way.

Being positive on a stressful day is not always easy. But if you spread positivity, you may just get some back in return by making someone else smile or by giving them a compliment. Such little things can make an impact on ones day, and you can have the power of making that someone’s day great.