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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCC chapter.

I was once told “you need to love yourself before someone else” and I have never heard something so true in my life. You do, you need to love yourself so one day you can love someone else. We don’t shame flowers for being too big or too little, too short or tall, too pink or too red, we just embrace them for their unique beauty.. Why don’t we start doing that with ourselves? Self love is key.

Just a year ago I was getting out of an almost four year relationship. Being in high school and not knowing any better I did not even know who I was. I was so caught up in a relationship I did not love myself. Once I got out of what at the time I thought was a “wonderful” relationship I realized how much I was actually worth. I woke up a year after I got out this relationship and saw that I had so much going for me, that I did not need anyone and I only needed myself. I needed to learn to love myself, to know that I am the only one that could control how I feel.     

Today, I do love myself and I can say that with confidence. It is a wonderful trait to have girls, EVERYONE deserves to love themselves, and to know you are beautiful. We all have days when we look in the mirror and cannot find one thing that we LOVE about ourselves, but there is always at least one thing. I started to tell myself something good everyday. One good thing about myself, and all you need is a little confidence. I didn’t have any, and now that I do, and it’s the best damn feeling ever. Love yourself always, and do not let anyone take that away from you like I did.