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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Photo by Jonathan Daniels


With warming weather, midterms near over and sanities needing a bit of a break we all start to see the light at the end of the tunnel: the end of the school year. Now normally, I would be planning next year’s schedule and impatiently waiting for the second week of May to start a summer of doing nothing. Instead, senioritis has hit me like a pile of bricks!


Barely coasting, but not entirely caring about what is turned in (within reason) this second half of the semester is about to get rough. The more I spend outside of campus, the more I start to fall in love with Lexington and fall out of love with the routine of school. A sign that it is about that time where the end of a chapter is near.


Senioritis is more than just procrastination. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and whether or not we want to believe that light is an abyss of an undecided future, there is still a light.


I am, and always will be, a queen at the procrastination game. How I have gone this far in life waiting until the last minute to get things done I have no idea. This feels more like the procrastination game I play about every day though. Senioritis, to me, takes the “care factor” out of procrastination.


We have a tendency to care on some level when we stress about how much time we do not have when in fact we had all the time in the world to get things done all because we are afraid of rejection, criticism and “I did this all wrong” syndrome. We see this part of our story closing into bigger and better things.


So seniors, and future seniors, be warned of the signs of senioritis when the weather gets warmer and graduation gets closer.

Twenty year old ISC major taking life day to day through a Polaroid camera.