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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

As many students prepare to leave for college in the fall, they are asked what seems to be a simple question, which is, “What is your major?” I also find that this same question is asked to many first and second year students that are already in college as well.


During this time in our lives many students honestly have no idea what they want to do, so they give some cliché answer like nursing, a doctor, engineering or business because that is what they think people want to hear. They want people to think that they are going to have this awesome career and make tons of money and have a great life. But, money isn’t everything.


Many students base what they want to do with the rest of their lives off of how much money they will make. I`m not at all saying that thinking about that aspect of your job is not important, because it is. But a lot of people think only about that aspect of it, and they don’t base their decision off of anything but money.


Students should really take a step back and think about what they really enjoy doing everyday. They should think long and hard about what their real passion is in life, and pursue that. Maybe it`s not something that is going to make them the big bucks, but if its something they are passionate about, it will give them something money could never give them. Genuine happiness.


When choosing what you want to do with the rest of your life, you really have to think about if you are going to wake up excited to go to work. Obviously you wont be excited everyday, but more days than not you should be happy to be going to work and doing what you love.


Maybe if you are lucky your passion will be a career that will give genuine happiness. But if you`re not completely sure that you are pursuing something that you love, take a step back and re-focus because money can`t always buy you happiness.

"All you need is faith, trust, and pixie dust."