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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Monica Nash was originally majoring in English Education, but immediately changed her mind when she took a media writing course with Linda Andrews. She is still majoring in English but her concentration is now in media, rhetorical, and cultural studies. She says, “I really enjoy finding out how to use certain types of writing.” She explains how writing can be different such as expressing your view point no matter what the subject is.

Monica really enjoys watching the Daily Show. She says, “I think that Jon Stewart brings up important topics in a more relatable and unique way.” A couple of her favorite new sources are the Huffington Post and Chicago Tribune online that she reads to keep up to date on what is going on in the world.

Her goal is to have an internship for the summer with a Public Relations firm.  However, right now she is busy working at an office doing administrative tasks as well as being a nanny for family in Chicago.

Most of her time over the weekends is spent getting homework done. She doesn’t have a computer or laptop which makes her rely on the school computer lab to get papers done. She also hopes to sign up to volunteer for the LGBT headquarters next semester.