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Looking for Stronger, More Toned Arms?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Strapless dresses, razor backs, and tank tops are a part of most college student’s wardrobes. Not to mention most going out tops have some sort of thin strap that bare the arms. These tops look great as long as the owner’s arms are not swaying along with the fabric.
In order to prevent this disastrous look, here is a great tricep (back of the arm) muscle workout!
Find a sturdy piece of furniture in the dorm room, gym, or even outside. Then face away from designated workout piece. Place arms on the furniture. Then, dip the arms and bend the knees. Be sure to create a 90 degree angle at the elbows. Next, push back up and repeat.


For a more intense workout, keep the legs straight. This will add more weight for a higher resistance.
Perform this exercise for 10-12 times for a total of three reps.