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Let’s Raise Some Calves

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Calf raises are a great exercise because they can be done anywhere and everywhere. They can be worked in an elevator, dorm room, or on the side of the road waiting for the bus.
All that is necessary to have is a flat surface to perform the exercise or on some sort of step to allow for more leverage. So, find a clean spot of the dorm room floor or on the edge of the stairs and get ready to create tighter legs.
This can be performed with or without weights in your hand, depending on how much resistance you would like.
Just stand either with hands on your hips or next to your side. Then lower and raise your body on the balls of your feet. You should feel the exercise working the muscle on the back of leg below the knee (the calf).
Step One:

Step Two:

Repeat step one and two for a total of 10 to 12 times for a total of three sets.
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