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Finals Week: Studying Do’s and Don’ts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Finals are unfortunately approaching, so get an early start to everything so you are stress-free! There are only a few more exams left between you and winter break, so start the week ready to dominate! Knowing the things you should and shouldn’t do during finals week will make you more prepared and focused to ace all your finals. So rest up, study hard, and fill up your coffee cup.

If you are like many college students, you are probably waiting until the last minute to start studying. Don’t put it off! Many professors post study guides weeks in advance, so get a head start so you aren’t stuck cramming at the last minute. Obviously the more prepared you are, the better you will do on your exams. Also this leaves room for you to meet with your TA or professor to ask questions about things you may be unsure about. Get a move on, finals are three weeks away!

One of the things that have gotten me through every exam is making my own personal study guide from scratch. If you type your lecture notes, handwrite everything out in a study guide format before the exam. It is a proven scientific fact that handwriting engages the brain in learning and improves memory skills. Writing your own study guide helps you study and memorize at the same time, so get in the habit of doing it for every exam.

Sleep is one of the most important components of a successful finals week! Pulling an all-nighter will completely throw everything off. Research shows that the less sleep a person gets, the lower their grades are. Also, not getting enough sleep negatively affects the brain and impairs thinking ability-the two things you need up to par for finals! If you’re trying to cram in that last hour or two of studying, take a 20 minute nap. Taking a 20 minute nap-break puts the information you studied into your long term memory, and you will feel more energized to continue studying. Plan ahead and make sure sleep is the number one thing on your list.

How some people don’t eat breakfast truly amazes me. Breakfast is the best meal of the day! Take this opportunity to treat yourself to breakfast out at your favorite diner or restaurant. Make sure you are eating healthy oats, grains, and fruit. Oatmeal with raisins is the perfect studying breakfast because it fuels your brain to stay awake all day and it is delicious. Loading up on healthy carbs and protein at the start of your day will keep you from crashing late on.