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5 Times Cats Described Going Back to School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1. Please don’t make me buy this book

We would rather spend all of our money dining out on Taylor Street than buying a book we will only need once.

2. Trying to stay awake in class after going to sleep at 4am all summer

We would probably be in our 4th hour asleep in this 8am class.

3. Not being in the mood to deal with the people who are excited to come back to school

How are you so excited? How do you have this much energy in the morning? Where can I find some of that?

4. Actually being early to class and finishing an assignment on time 

And contemplating just sitting in the front and changing your Instragram aesthetic to Einstein quotes. 

5. Receiving the syllabus and trying to deal with the amount of work you need to do

Where is all this work coming from? Why are the due dates so soon? 

Hi, I'm Daniela. I'm a Sociology major with a minor in Criminology and Business Administration. I have been involved with Her Campus since my freshmen year, working in editorial, marketing, and social media. As president of Her Campus UIC, I am excited to see our chapter grow throughout my last year here.
UIC Contributor.