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5 Things NOT To Do At Your Cousin’s Engagement Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1) Don’t eat 2 slices of cake before even having the food. Trust me. You think you are being discreet, but people see you. Especially your mom, who has been watching you and makes sure to bring it up once in front of everyone, one right before you leave the party, once in the car on the way home, and once more the morning after.

2) Don’t Snapchat the event without blocking that one person who wasn’t invited, didn’t even know about the engagement, and ends up messaging you while you’re still there to congratulate you and your family. At that point, you don’t know if they’re salty or just being genuine but I’d bank on the former. Also, make sure you don’t mention that they aren’t invited to the wedding either.

3) Don’t be the person that falls asleep at the engagement party. I know the party will drag till about 2 in the morning, but it’s not worth it, especially because at least five people will take pictures of you and post it online. There’s always that one person who places your niece’s Barbie on you and poses the doll around you in various positions while at least twenty people watch and laugh.

4) Don’t start a fight with a little kid. You’ll win and somehow make the kid cry, and everyone will stare at you as if you’re the monster. It doesn’t matter if the kid tried to snatch away something you have. Let it go, and maybe twenty minutes later, when the kid gets bored of it, and it doesn’t end up breaking, you can probably find it lying in the corner somewhere.

5) Don’t forget to corner your cousin and see the wedding ring. It’s probably gorgeous, and she’s lucky. He’s also really lucky to have her, and you hope they’ll be happy forever because you know your cousin deserves it.

Hello! My name's Syeda Dayemi and I graduated UIC (majored in Biology). :)