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New Study Space Opens on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

UGA main library provides a new study space for finals !

The UGA main library has renovated their space by creating two study spaces on the third and floor. The new study space are some of the changes the library has incorporated in order to make it more approving to students. A new reading room was built on the third floor of the library and holds some of the original furniture from the library. The fourth floor now has a study space with whiteboard and chalkboard paint on the walls in which students can write on.

The renovations cost $350,000.

Malika Redzhepova, a librarian at the main library, said  the expansion the library is a necessity.”The library is definetly improving. It is starting to feel more homey,” Redzhepova said.

Marcelle Jones, a student at UGA, said she likes the new addition of study spaces.”I think it looks like a bowling alley,” Jones said. “The chairs are comfy but the library is still so far away.”

A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter