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How NOT to Win Over Your Dates Parents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.


Make sure you go with someone that you barely know, preferably that guy you talked to once last week downtown or the first boy that made you a drink at the social.  You’re obviously great with first impressions. 

When picking out your dress, pick the shortest hem and the highest heels. It’s still a fraternity function,  dress to impress!

Leave yourself at least two hours to get ready. Except after trying on your shoes four or five times each to decide, you won’t have any time to apply your mascara!  But that’s fine! Keep ‘em waiting.  His parents definitely don’t mind, they’re dying to meet the girl they just learned existed on the ride to pick you up.

Once you get to the event, leave your date and his family as quickly as possible and find your sorority sisters.  It is imperative that his family meets yours too!

When dinner starts, you’ll need some quality dinner conversation.  This can include anything from your favorite nights downtown, past boyfriends, or even a full account of your day on Frat Beach at GA/FL.  Feel free to use creativity as you shove massive amounts of food into your mouth. 

Once you begin to feel comfortable, bring up wedding topics for you and your date:  location, season, number of people invited…the list could go on forever, and his parents will love that he’s finally found the one!

If there’s a band, this is your time to really win over your date and his family.  Get out on the dance floor, but forget swing dancing.  Do your best Beyonce impression from the Grammy’s this year.

If you really want to make a statement, steal the microphone from the lead singer and start karaoke.  Wrecking Ball is always a winner.

When it’s finally time to say goodbye, make sure you say “Let’s start planning the wedding soon!” and see their eyes light up as they look at their future daughter-in-law.


A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter