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7 Practical New Year’s Resolutions for 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

There is nothing better than a fresh start for a new year! Here are seven New Year’s resolutions that are 100% pratical. No more flaking after two weeks! 

1. Learn To Cook. Cooking is a necessary skill that everyone should learn. The best thing about cooking is that there will always be delicious food involved. Surprising it can take no time to become a semi-master chef.

2. Drink More Water. This isn’t so much about being healthy, but picking up healthy habits for 2018, 2019, 2020…


3. Do More Community Service. Being engaged with the local community makes people feel that they have a sense of purpose. Be about it and live about it!  

4. Get Back To An Old Hobby. Find time to get back to doing the thing you love to do for yourself.

5. Reconnect With Family. Sometimes it can feel like family took the back seat to friends. Reconnect with cousins and spend some quality time together, just like old times.

6. Travel To New Destinations. Explore the world, even if that means going less than 100 miles away. Go somewhere new, and learn more about the world, and other people.

7. Read More Books. Expand your mind, and get lost in-between the pages of a best seller. Dust off the reading glasses and bust out the book light.