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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Ringing in the New Year to me doesn’t just mean putting on a sparkly dress for the evening and hoping all of the past year’s problems disappear by the stroke of midnight. It is symbolically a “blank slate” for me, and with that in mind I came up with some personal resolutions for 2017. Although they are mostly fashion and beauty-centered, these resolutions are a great way to start off the new year (and new semester) on a stylish foot.

1. Be more confident in what I wear.

This is definitely easier said than done, but I want to start off my 2017 with a bang and really embody the phrase, “if you got it, flaunt it.” This year, I’ll do my best to stand a bit straighter, lift my head a little higher, and walk with more purpose in my daily outfits.

2. Wear my ornate jewelry more frequently.

Most of the time, I save my expensive jewelry for special occasions. This year, I’d like to showcase them more and really get my money’s worth out of wearing them. Instead of letting my nice jewelry collect dust while I wait for some fancy dinner party, I’ll put on something ornate and spruce up even my most basic outfits.

3. Smile more in photos.

One of my simpler resolutions this year is to smile more in photos. I’m self-conscious of my face when I smile in photos, but I don’t want that to hold me back this year from laughing in pictures with my friends and family.

4. Take greater advantage of my wardrobe.

I get caught up with wearing the same seven outfits when I’m really busy, so this year I made a resolution to take advantage more of my entire wardrobe. I’ll make this happen by planning out my outfits the night before so I’m not in a rush to pick my “default” clothing choices.

5. Create and design more of my own garments.

One year ago I received a sewing machine for Christmas; this year, I want to make it a mission of mine to sew more of my own creations. I’ll accomplish this on the weekends to reward myself for getting through the long school week.

6. Rock louder, brighter lipstick more often.

I find myself in a happy mood most of the time, so why not convey that happiness through a color of lipstick? I’ve been meaning to add brighter lipsticks to my makeup collection for a while now, and I think this year is when I’ll actually set out to buy them.

7. Go make-up free more.

In contrast to my last resolution, I’d like to go out more with just a bare face. Thanks to years of acne medication and following good face-washing habits, I finally feel confident enough to go out in public with no makeup. This year is all about confidence, and I feel that by doing this it will give me that extra boost.

8. Purchase more fashion and beauty products that are from eco-friendly, sustainable sources.

Over the past year I noticed (and researched) how many fashion and beauty companies are producing products that come from unsustainable sources, aren’t  eco-friendly or test on animals. In my opinion, every dollar you spend is like a “vote” for a company, so this year I’m going to “vote” for companies that support a better environment and workplace.

9. Explore more styles while still maintaining my “look.”

When I looked in my closet last year, I noticed all my clothing had a similar theme or style. In 2017, I’m going to make it a goal of mine to scout out more fashion styles (classy, edgy, alternative, colorful, etc.) when I’m out shopping. However, I’ll be sure to still add my own flair into whatever I choose to wear.

10. Seek more inspiration from my friends and people I look up to/admire.

If I take the time to actually stop and look around me, I find inspiration almost everywhere. When putting together outfit combinations, I tell myself I have to be as original as possible but sometimes I end up flustered by trying to decide what to pair together. In 2017, I want to let go of the notion that I can’t take inspiration from others, and instead use other’s choices as fuel for coming up with my own styling decisions.

Overall, my personal list of resolutions is probably going to expand as I take more time to consider what I want to currently improve in my life. For right now, I’ll start with what I believe are the most basic (and probably easiest) actions that can be accomplished. It’s okay if you don’t have a defined list of resolutions; as long as you want and actually take the time to better yourself, you’re on the right path!


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Elena Kallergis is currently a 4th year Advertising major at the University of Florida. Her passions include ballet dancing, drawing, reading, traveling, and rock climbing. She loves flowers, cats, fashion, chocolate chip cookies, cheeseburgers, and anything to do with the color peach. Outside of class, you can either catch her eating while attempting to study or just eating in general. Follow her on Instagram @elenamika.