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Calm and Collected: Organizational Tips to Start Off on the Right Foot this Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

We’ve all done it. At the start of every semester we attend every class, keep notes organized and start projects ahead of time. Inevitably, or so it seems, by Spring Break our goal of an organized semester falls apart. This spring, let’s make a pact to simplify our lives by getting – and staying – organized for school. Here are some tips to make organization habitual rather than intimidating.

Don’t let books set you back
Everyone can agree that the worst part of drop/add week is the mad rush for textbooks, and they go fast. Unless you were lucky, chances are you might still be without a book or two. Although required reading might not be high on your priority list now, having books should be. If possible, try to order the books you need as soon as possible from the UF Bookstore, and they will call you when it comes in. If you order books from another source, track the shipping online and try to ask a classmate for access to theirs in the meantime so you don’t fall behind.
Plan ahead
Now that you have a syllabus for each class, you should use an agenda or computer-based calendar to input all important dates such as exams and projects. Consider highlighting those of most importance, and then add additional time commitments like club events or work. Once your whole semester is mapped out, classes will feel more manageable. Your planner is a working reference, so be sure to continually update it.
Budget time wisely
Establish a wake-up time for each day of class, taking getting ready and transportation into consideration. Commit to the time you set, so that it becomes a habit to wake up each day, reducing the likelihood of oversleeping. If not all of your classes are live, determine a time to watch lectures and treat them as a real class. This way you’ll feel more obligated to stay caught up.
Now you are prepared for a calm and collected semester! Just keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so keep at it and you’ll have a simpler and more organized lifestyle in no time.