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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

It’s that time of the semester again… In most classes, first exams are either coming in like a wrecking ball or rolling around the corner. Here are a few ways to keep yourself sane during the all-nighters at Club Marston and the three-hour review sessions at Study Edge…

Before the test:

1. Get ahead of the game

The earlier you start studying, the less anxious you’ll feel. Save yourself the mental breakdowns that come from only having exactly 48 hours, 2 minutes and 30 seconds to memorize the entire world of microeconomics, and start reviewing concepts a little bit every day during your morning coffee or on the bus ride to school. Think of exams like a game; you have all the resources to master it, you just need to set aside ample time to learn the rules.

2. Do not OD on caffeine

As much as we all love a good cup of java, coffee is a stimulant and can heighten your already existent nerves in a really stressful way. Opt for a refreshing peppermint tea which has been proven to aid stress relief while also soothing the stomach.

3. Exercise

Work out the night before and the day of the exam. Release some of that pent-up stress and tension by doing a quick yoga video or reading your notes while on a stationary bike ride! This will relax you physically so you can get an ample amount of sleep the night before, and energize you the day of the exam.

4. Switch it Up

Study in multiple places and in multiple ways to find what works for you for that specific course. Whether you need to walk through a practice test with a pro, zone out of the real world by plugging in your headphones, or you prefer to study in the fresh outdoors, start early and experiment with what setting helps you retain the most knowledge, rather than doing what is typically known to help those around you.

5. Pace yourself

Study in increments, giving yourself some time in between each session to do something fun and relaxing, like watch a Netflix episode or read your favorite book. This will keep you from over-studying while giving you a little reward to keep moving forward.

6. Eat smart

I know it is tempting to opt for convenient foods that are fried or come from a vending machine while you are studying. However, these can make your energy level crash faster than the double-speed feature on Canvas lectures. Opt for snacks like raw unsalted almonds that will give you boundless energy for a long amount of time.

7. Practice positivity

Sure, exams test our knowledge. But, they also test our belief in ourselves. The way we think about our own intelligence greatly impacts our ability to answer questions on an exam. The surer you are of yourself and how hard you worked during the preparation period, the less you will second guess your ability to perform in the moment that it counts during the exam. When talking about an exam, try to switch your mindset into being positively challenged and equipped with proper tools to climb the academic hill, rather than jumping off an academic cliff.

Along the way of trying to memorize your lecture notes, I hope you also learned today that taking care of yourself and developing an early study plan is a crucial part of any study routine. Wishing you all a great week full of academic and personal successes.

Image credit: lifehacklane.com