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Everything You Need to Avoid Getting Sick This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Here at UCSB, it seems that everyone is sick just in time for midterms. At this point, it’s pretty hard to even hear the professor over the sea of coughing students. On top of all the germs that are spreading in the air, California has a unique way of welcoming the fall with hot days and cold nights. It doesn’t take a Bio major to figure out that a weak immune system is hardly a match for wide spread germs. But fear not fellow collegians, because there a few steps you can take to lessen your chances of getting sick this fall!

Step 1: ACT FAST

Right when you hear that first cough, you need to plan for action ASAP! Don’t hesitate to pull the ol’ shirt over your face trick to keep the germs from getting in, and make sure to plan a trip to the nearest convenience store after class!


Don’t underestimate the power of Airborne. If you act on it soon enough (See Step 1) that blast of Vitamin C can do you wonders. But don’t stop there, keep taking it throughout the duration of cold season. *Specifically, zinc is said to prevent colds, or shorten them, so that may be a vitamin worth trying!



This is really an add-on to step 2, but bare with me. If you don’t eat right, you aren’t getting any nutrients from your food to help you stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables are known to be full of vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients that help build up your immune system. Drink some OJ for its vitamin C! Prep that immune system right, am I right?!



Alright, I’m well aware that I sound like your mom, but seriously, there’s got to be some truth to the method of madness. Water will work to constantly cleanse your body of toxins and germs, which sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?


Everyone knows that as a college student with a million deadlines, on top of work, on top of a social life, sleep can be nearly impossible. BUT, nevertheless, it is crucial during sick season. Sleep works to recharge your body’s systems, including your immune system and you need that to be working to its fullest if you really want to avoid the sneezing, coughing, running nose disaster.


Again, this one can be a hard one to avoid as a college student with so much to do. It is important to stay as calm and collected as possible, because when you worry too much the stress hormones released can lower the immune system. It can also cause difficulty sleeping, which as you know from step 5, is an issue. But it shouldn’t be too hard to destress, you know, with the beach right next door.


While this step seems unlikely to help, it has been said that people who have sex regularly are less likely to take sick days. Those that have sex have higher levels of the chemicals that defend from viruses. It also helps with step 6! …Just try to avoid those already infected by the illness.


This last step can definitely be argued, but I personally like to think there is some truth to it. By telling yourself you are not sick, you won’t feel sick. You go on living your life as if everything is fine and normal and you will feel normal… for a while. It kind of depends of the severity of the sickness, but I can tell you one thing, it won’t hurt to try it out.

Too late? Already sick? It’ll be A-okay, just continue on with steps 1 through 8 to get better sooner, and remember their importance come next sick season!

There we have it, 8 simple steps to keeping clear of the campus bug going around. Good luck to us all, may we all make it out alive!


My name is Lauren MacDonald and I am the former campus correspondent and editor in chief of Her Campus UCSB. While at UCSB, I dedicated much of my time to Her Campus as I strongly believe in its ability to empower women to tell their stories. I graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies.
Kristine is a 3rd year Chemistry major at UC Santa Barbara. She was born and raised in San Francisco, CA. When she's not writing, she works with her sister to create adorable baked delicacies for The Royal Icing, their at-home bakery. She's also a ballerina, lipstick enthusiast, and bunny lover. Post-graduation, she plans on going to graduate school while continuing her writing career. Catch her on instagram @CookiesForKay