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Campus Cutie: Mitchell January

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.
Name: Mitchell January
Year: Sophomore
Major: Bio and Pre-Med
Hometown: San Diego
Relationship status: Single
Turn ons: Legs, fun, nice smile
Turn offs? Bad personality, bad breath
What are you involved with at UCSB: Snow Team, Zeta Psi, Excursion Club
Embarrassing moment? I was surfing and my pants ripped all the way up. I was like “wow, it feels really breezy down there”….then looked down and everything was just floating out. I then had to walk through a park where everyone was taking wedding pictures.
Biggest fear? My biggest fear is jail…I’m not even kidding.
Favorite food? Coffee isn’t a food, right? Uh….brownies
Tattoos/piercing? Smiley face emoticon tattoo on my left ribs…it was a deal I made with my friend.
If you could relive one moment of your life, what would it be? I can’t tell you that.
What is your spirit animal? A wolf
What are you going to be for Halloween this year? Probably a penguin
Favorite article of clothing? Flannels. You can sneeze in them, you can roll them up if it gets too hot….unbutton them…..perfect for camping. They are versatile. They are the future.
Boxers or briefs? None
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully a doctor that still kicks it with the boys and still has time for his hobbies!
Allison is a Global Studies major at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the Assistant Editor at Her Campus UCSB a contributor to the chapter's Instagram, @hercampusucsb. Allison believes that life is about balances, but that you can never have too many breakfast burritos. You can follow Allison's personal Instagram at @allycnco for life around Santa Barbara, good eats, and travels!