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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Name: Zac Chambers

Age: 22

Major: Human Communications

Hometown: Saint Cloud, FL.

Single or taken: taken

Greek Life? More like geek life!

What are your favorite hobbies? Music, style, fitness and food.

How would you describe yourself in three words? Adventurous, Creative, and Nutella.

What are your goals for the future? To graduate, continue to enrich myself in the cultures around the world, and have a career that is meaningful to myself and others.

What is your all-time favorite movie? The Patriot

Who’s your celebrity crush and why? I’d wife Olivia Wilde in a second.

What traits attract you to a girl? A girl who finds joy in everything. A girl who doesn’t need a partyto be happy but IS a party and is happy. A girl who can’t stop smiling. A girl who loves music.

Favorite female feature? Obviously the heart.

Who typically wears the “pants” in the relationship? Honestly, it’s just one large pair of pants that the guy and girl are both in.

What is the most romantic gesture you’ve ever done for a girl? I wasn’t able to spend Valentines Day with that special someone, so instead I wrote her a song voicing all the attributes that personify the beautiful essence that is, her.​