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The Struggle of Being a Perpetually Busy Person

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If running from event to event, always writing down your hourly plans for the day and considering Sunday your only day off (if you can even call it that) all sound too familiar, then you are probably a perpetually busy person, just like me. Always being busy has its upsides such as meeting new people, gaining multiple points of view, having a superb resume and getting to have a say in organizations and teams you are involved with. You know you do it all to allow yourself to become well-rounded, increase your chances of getting your dream job once you graduate and to get the most out of every experience you may find yourself in. Despite all of the positives, sometimes you find yourself questioning just why you are involved with so many activities, why you signed up for the hardest classes and why you decided to run for yet another position. You my find yourself up at 2AM finalizing a social media post for your club or five minutes away from a mental breakdown because you overbooked yourself for the day and had no idea you had ten thing to do instead of five, but then you realize why you are the way you are. You’re someone who enjoys being perpetually busy, because you know every moment of it is going to pay off and even when you are at your wit’s end, you wouldn’t have it any other way. In order to help you realize you’re not the only one out there that is like this, I compiled a list of relatable (and hopefully somewhat entertaining) situations that you’ve probably dealt with at one point or another and how to solve the problem that may come along with it.

1. Realizing that you studied too much for one final and now you have to spend the next two days locked in your room studying for the test in your following class.


In order to deal with this situation, you will need lots of chocolate, a bubble bath for when your brain absolutely needs a break and a bomb study playlist, but all in all, you WILL survive.


2. Making plans with friends during the day and having to cancel because you have a meeting that ran over it’s designated time.


It’s okay, don’t be too hard on yourself. Your friends know that you will eventually make the time to hang out with them and they support you no matter what. If they don’t understand, then thye aren’t your true friends.


3. Realizing that you spend more time stu(dying) than you do sleeping or breathing.


We’ve all been there, but take it hour by hour and day by day. You will succeed because you work so hard and all of your hard work will get you even further.


4. Trying to make plans with people like… “I have a thirty minute slot next Tuesday in between class and work”


It’s about quality, not quantity right? Make the best of the short time that you have available and look back to it when you are back in the office or classroom.


5. When someone asks you if you want to run for a position or take on another role


Oops, you did it again. It’s okay because you will be even more versed in the ways of life and learn how to adapt to high stress environments once you are out in the real world.


6. Having to wake up at 7AM while your friends can stay out until 2 partying.


You’ll be fine! You can catch up with them during the weekend and all your A’s and money you’ve received from your job will do the talking. It’s all a part of growing up.


7. Not getting back to your apartment/house/shack until an absurdly late time because of X,Y,Z activities that you had to get done elsewhere.


Relatable, but you can think of it as being a productive day where you were able to get a lot done and nothing feels better than that.


8. Being the person that everyone suggests should take care of something.


You may not be feeling it at the moment, but just like Michael Scott, by taking on a lot you could become the World’s Greatest Boss.


9. Having about ten minutes to yourself right before you go to sleep, but instead spending it on homework.


It’s okay, now you’re ahead of the game and can sleep in on Saturday instead of having to wake up to finish your essay due next week.


10. Having a moment where you think you’re completely in over your head and cannot commit to all of your obligations anymore.



Then you remember that you’re you and you’ll be completely fine once you bring it back in and realize your full potential.


All in all, you are a hard worker and super dedicated and despite being perpetually busy and having to miss out on a party or two, you know you will be the next president, doctor, author or psychologist and that’s all that really matters.


Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

I am a writing and rhetoric major at the University of Central Florida and I really love tacos and pugs (the dog breed). I am a writer for Her Campus UCF and have been writing since I was eight years old :). My great grandfather won the Pulitzer Prize so I have some big shoes to fill.
UCF Contributor