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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

For most of us, college was a place to go to further our future success. For Makaila Nichols, a freshman here at UCF and member of Delta Delta Delta, college was a place to go to try out a normal life.

Makaila Nichols began her career as a model when she was just 14 years old. While walking through a mall, she was stopped by a talent scout who invited her to an audition with 800 other girls. Six lucky girls were chosen, and that’s when Makaila’s career took off.

Even though Makaila’s teenage life was full of swimwear campaigns and plane rides to the city for New York Fashion Week, her life was not as glamourous as it seemed. She battled an eating disorder and was a victim of harsh bullying at school.

At 17, she realized that thousands of other teenagers were dealing with the same struggles of adolescence and she made it her primary goal to help them by sharing her story.

October 3rd, 2016, Makaila’s book Blatantly Honest: Normal Teen Abnormal Life will hit the shelves at Barnes and Nobles and be available online on Amazon. Makaila will also be at the UCF Bookstore October 5th, at 2:00 pm for a book signing.

I sat down with her to find out more about her life, her career, and her book.

So the idea of writing a book crosses a lot of people’s minds, but what made you actually sit down and do it?

Makaila Nichols: I wanted there to be a book that could help teenagers. There’s no book about what teenagers go through from another actual teenager.

How did you tell your parents that you wanted to write a book and what was their response? Did they play any role in helping you write?

Makaila Nichols: I just went up to them and explained that I wanted to write a book that could help other kids that are bullied in school. After being bullied throughout high school, I just decided that I had had enough. I wrote Blatantly Honest: Normal Teen Abnormal Life independently, but they’re both my biggest supporters. My mother’s my biggest inspiration. She’s everything that I want to be and she’s helped me so much.

Do you think your modeling career affected your eating disorder and the bullying at school?

Makaila Nichols: In modeling, I was told to lose weight. I was bulimic, anorexic, and I binge ate. My parents were really concerned about me, and were really encouraging in helping me get healthy while continuing my career. I missed a lot of school because of modeling and for some reason was bullied for that.

Do you have any future plans for your career?

Makaila Nichols: Well I secured my first movie recently, and I want to continue both modeling and acting. But, I’m taking a break for now to focus on school and getting an education.

How do you think being a victim of bullying and writing a book about it affected your life?

Makaila Nichols: I’ve definitely grown as a person from my book. The first time that I sent my book to a publisher it was rejected because they said it was too much like a “rant.” Rejection is hard, but it really did make me stronger, the same way that the bullying did. In high school, even my teacher’s bullied me. I’ve learned to accept the hardships that I’ve faced and grow from them.

Why did you decide to join Delta Delta Delta?

Makaila Nichols: I didn’t have any girl friends in high school because I was judged for who I am. I wanted to start over in college and have an opportunity for a sisterhood. I found that in Delta Delta Delta.

You can buy Blatantly Honest: Normal Teen Abnormal Life on October 3rd and catch Makaila Nichols at the UCF Bookstore October 5th at 2:00.

UCF Contributor