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Her Journey of Losing 90 Pounds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

This week, I had the pleasure of talking with a fellow Knight Kamille Chaparro to ask her a few questions about her inspirational weight loss experience! When she first told me she had weighed over 200 pounds, I totally assumed it was a lie. After talking to her about it, she told me a little more about how she lost over 90 pounds and how it has changed her life!




What originally motivated you to lose weight to begin with?

What originally motivated me to lose weight was ending a bad three-year relationship. It allowed me to focus on myself. I spoke with my parents and confessed my concerns about my weight and how worried I was that I would never be able to lose weight. They sat with me and promised me that they would go to the gym after they got off work everyday that they could. So it started with going to Zumba twice a week with my mom, while my dad worked out. It went from zumba twice a week to 6 times a week.

What routines through your life did you change?

My routine following my decision included making time for exercise. Since I broke up with my boyfriend I stopped going out to eat, and in place of that I went to the gym. I also made a point to bring a friend, that way the days I was unmotivated, my family and friends would motivate me, and vice versa. I also started tracking what I ate on MyFitnessPal and looking up different recipes and measuring everything. As well as being more vocal with my family and friends about wanting to lose weight when I was struggling and needed motivation.

What did you change in your diet?

At the beginning of my weight loss journey I did not change my diet at all. I honestly just worked out. When I hit a plateau, I started to change my diet. Beginning with cutting out all soda, juices and just drinking water. As time went on I also cut out all red meats, white rice, white bread, and fast food. I did not eat out and I made myself go grocery shopping and cook food at least six days out of the week. I also made a point to make a list before going to the store and not allowing myself to buy food that was not on my list, whether it was on sale or not. My shopping lists usually consist of: sweet potato, lentils, avocado, quinoa, chicken, fish, fruit, vegetable, millet, turkey, almonds, kale, etc. However, everyone needs their cheat days, and I indulge on special occasions.

What does your exercise routine look like now?

My exercise routine now involves going to the gym and doing weight training Monday through Fridays and going to kickboxing and boxing classes 3 days a week.


What do you suggest to anyone that is trying to lose a few pounds?

I honestly lost a couple of pounds really fast in the beginning of my weight loss just by going to the gym. So if you are interested in just losing a little bit of weight, then I suggest doing an hour of cardio at least 3 times a week.

How has this whole experience changed you?

The experience has changed me in many ways besides my physical size. I have become more confident and positive. I have become a healthier person who knows how to say no more firmly, to myself and others. I also have way more energy and I am less ashamed and more proud to know that I am in control of my body, more realistic with my expectations, and even more interested in helping others in their goals with weight loss and healthy eating.

Anything else you would like to say?

Two years and 90lbs later, I’ve realized you really do have the power and ability to make a change when you put your mind to it. I’m not saying it is easy and that there were not rough times when I would get “hangry,” especially when you feel like you are stuck (plateau-ing which is normal in any weight loss journey), but if you honestly want to lose the weight, it is not impossible. I also realized that you need a cheat day, if not you just get burned out. I usually pick Friday or Saturday because that is when I am most likely to want to go out or go out to eat with my friends.


If you would like to learn more about weight loss, follow our bloggers on their journey to Lose the Freshman 15

UCF Contributor