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How to Fufill Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

We are coming to the end of January and it’s time to ask the question: am I accomplishing my New Year’s resolution? If the answer is yes, good for you! 2017 is looking to be a great year. If the answer is no, keep reading as we discuss 3 of the most common New Year’s solutions and how to follow through on them. 

1. I am going to get in-shape/go to the gym

This seems to be the most popular New Year’s resolution, but it’s also the one with the most fails. For the first week of January the gym is full, but by the second week it’s back to its normal state. If this is happening to you, consider what stops you from going to the gym. If you’re bored of doing the same workout at the gym, consider changing up your workout routine: lift weights, do a cycling class, try martial arts, etc. If you don’t want to wake up early, try going to the gym in the afternoon and come home to dinner, or go at night and then take a nice, hot shower and get ready for bed. If you’re just too tired, try going every other day, just go three days a week, take weekends off, just workout your legs, etc. Stick to what you think works best for you!

2. I am going to socialize more/keep in touch with my family

This is definitely popular among college students. Many of us are living away from home and are so busy with our lives that we forget to include our friends in it or forget to make a call to our parents back at home. If this is something that you have trouble with, consider getting a planner. With a planner, you can write down everything that needs to get done and what time you have to get it done by. If you’re too busy at the moment, always make sure to send a text to your love ones to tell them how much you miss them, ask them about their life, or make plans for the future. They will understand and be glad that you’re thinking of them. 

3. I am going to get a 4.0/work harder in school 

While it’s easier said than done, getting a 4.0 is hard, but not impossible. In order to do better in school, you have to truly want it. That means you might have to miss out on some things, but in the end, it’ll be worth it. If you want to do the best in school this year, you should get a planner (as discussed in the previous resolution), ask your professors if you ever need clarification, ask classmates or friends for help, and dedicate your time to studying for all your classes. Always make sure to understand the material. If you get a B on a paper you thought deserved an A, ask for specific examples, ask about the parts that weren’t explained enough or what terms you used wrong, or see if there was a problem with grammar/structure/spelling, etc. And, of course, always attend office hours to get help. 

Good luck Aggies!

None of the images used belong to Her Campus or the author. Thumbnail courtesy of Pexels.

Annette is a freshman at UC Davis. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, painting, drawing, and keeping up with politics. 
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