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Halloween Costume Ideas for Your Squad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Want to wear matching costumes with your squad for this upcoming Halloween, but don’t know where to start? Here are some ideas my friends and I have been thinking about — hopefully it’ll inspire some creativity!

1. Mean Girls

Who hasn’t watched Mean Girls? The key to executing this group costume is wearing lots of PINK, and don’t forget to include Cady wearing her over-sized pink polo shirt!

2. Fruits

This is a pretty simple and inexpensive costume. Each person can buy a solid colored, oversized tee and wear it as a dress. Throw on a cool headpiece and voila! You’re a fruit.

3. Onesies

Onesies are comfortable and easy, but also really fun! They can be found at stores such as Target. The best thing about onesies is that you’ll most likely wear these as PJs or as a costume to a themed party, so it’s worth the investment.

4. Mean Girls: Version 2

Remember when The Plastics dressed up as animals for Halloween? You and your friends could dress up as The Plastics — Halloween edition! To make the costume even better, have one friend dress up as a corpse bride just like Cady did in the movie!

SQUAD UP with these awesome costumes and remember to have a fun and safe Halloween!

All gifs courtesy of Giphy

Cover image source: Pexels

Amanda is a fourth year UCD student majoring in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior with a minor in Psychology. She is an undergraduate research assistant at an affective neuroscience lab on campus. When she isn't studying or working, Amanda enjoys binge-watching shows on Netflix, doodling, napping, and hanging out with her friends.
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