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The Journey of a Plus Sized Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

     This week has been very busy and difficult because of midterms, classes, work and meetings. It has been hard to eat healthy or even at all on a regular basis. Although I did not cut junk food cold turkey, I reward myself a bit. By that I mean every time I drink three bottles of water, I drink a cup of juice. If I eat my healthy meals, I will eat a few cookies or a portioned amount of chips. I no longer binge eat like I used to. Now I try to portion everything evenly so if something might not seem that healthy, I’ll only eat a portion of it. If it were up to me, I would eat half of the bottle of Pringles, a whole roll of Oreos, or the whole bag of popcorn. But right now I am slowly learning about self-control and since I am not used to eating super healthy, I am trying to portion my meals in order for my body to get used to it.

     I feel better already though. I do not exercise too much but I do walk to school every day and the walk from my house is about a 30-40 minute walk to class. It may not be too much but it has helped me a lot. I do break a sweat with some hills and it is a good morning or afternoon walk. It’s a slow transition but I am trying and will try a lot more as the weeks go by.

     What made my weekend was the difference my mom saw in me. Not just physically but also mentally. She noticed I was happier. And I am happy and am also working on loving myself unconditionally. She did say I looked a bit thinner this weekend too, which she never tells me. So it gave me more motivation. It is important to be happy and love yourself when we live in a society that constantly judges us for our appearances, but I am learning to be myself

     My plans for next week are to either start a gym routine to go every other day and if it becomes too difficult because of my schedule, I will start doing Insanity either mornings before class or work, or at night. It might be difficult but I know I can do it. I feel motivated to continue on this new journey!