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How to: Avoid a Rough Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.


Finals week is a rough week for most students because we decide to procrastinate and try to cram a quarter’s full of work in just a few days. We’ve all done it and regretted it. We promise ourselves to study early next time, but then we go ahead and do it again the next quarter. Why do we procrastinate so much?

            When the quarter begins, we promise ourselves that we will keep up with the reading, do all the work, and study in advance for our exams. Simple, right? On the contrary, it is very difficult to keep up with everything once you find out how much the workload for each class is, work, have internships, and are involved in school organizations. When all these activities are added together, we realize we are just too tired to do some of the work for that day, so we put it off for tomorrow. That “tomorrow” turns into the day before your final, cramming all your work into one day. So what can you do about it?

1.      Create a strict schedule for yourself

·         You have to be realistic when you write your schedule. You can either have a planner, a calendar, or post-its. When you begin your schedule, first write down your class schedule, your work schedule, then your organization meetings if you are in any clubs. If you see you have gaps between classes, catch up on your readings or grab a bite to eat. We always forget to eat when we’re busy, so buy snacks that are easy to grab and go. It sounds difficult to maintain, but if you are strict with yourself it is possible.

2.      Write your goals in a place you can see them every day

·         If you look at your goals everyday it will inspire you to do better and will motivate you to keep your grades up on a daily basis. If you want to Study Abroad, you need a good GPA, so write your goal GPA and a picture of the country you want to visit and place it somewhere visible. For example, place it on your bedroom door or even in your bathroom (where we all sometimes do deep thinking).  Keep your goals in mind and keep your head in the game.

3.      Stay Positive!

·         We all go through personal, financial, or other issues throughout the school year, but we have to stay positive! Even if something happens, sadly the world will not stop you for you. Keep going and find a way to push your way back up. Sometimes it is not easy, so surround yourself only with people who will better you, not hurt you.

4.      Review your Notes!

·         If you review your notes the same day you took them, it becomes easier to grasp the concept rather than waiting until an exam comes up to force yourself to remember everything. Sometimes we do not have time or simply forget, but add it into your schedule give yourself 15 minutes for each class to review. All it will take is an hour a day reviewing notes, which is much better than pulling an all-nighter.

5.      AVOID Energy Drinks/Shots and Caffeinated Drinks!

·         When drinking beverages with caffeine and high amounts of sugar, you will eventually experience a crash. It is better to drink lots of water while studying to stay hydrated. If you get hungry, eat something healthy like an apple or grapes rather than eating fast food or junk food, such as chips. This one might be hard to avoid if you plan on staying up all night, but if you take care of your body even with lack of sleep, your body will give you better results rather than crashing from all the sugar.

Some people may say “live for today, not tomorrow,” and I agree with that quote, but it is better to be prepared for tomorrow rather than taking things as they come. If you still struggle in your class, then it is a MUST that you go to your TA or professor’s office hours to get help. It might be a bit intimidating talking to them, but it is better to break the ice and get to know your professor for the times when you desperately need their help. (Not to mention, it is an awesome feeling when a professor remembers you) I hope these tips help you survive your next finals week, but if you’re stuck procrastinating now, remember to stay strong!